Opened 10 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

#4530 new enhancement

The mov demuxer lacks support for Microsoft's network PIFF format

Reported by: RedDwarf Owned by:
Priority: wish Component: avformat
Version: git-master Keywords: mov
Cc:, Blocked By:
Blocking: Reproduced by developer: no
Analyzed by developer: no


The PIFF* format, as stored in the server, is supported by ffmpeg. But even if stored in the server, when playing a SmoothStreaming stream the ftyp and moov boxes are not transmitted. Instead the PIFF specification forces some extra constraints/default values on the moov box, making its values implicit when decoding the stream.

The current mov demuxer doesn't support such implicit moov box. It would be great if an option could be added to the demuxer so programs could use libavformat to demux such streams.

It could be suggested that any user of libavformat could just create a moov box with the PIFF format default values. But for example, when parsing the tfhd box, libavformat searches for a trex box with the same track ID. This means that to create that "default" moov box the program would need to parse the tfhd box looking for the track ID first.

For testing you can get the first 2 fragments of a video from

The whole Manifest file is in

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Carl Eugen Hoyos, 10 years ago

Keywords: mp4 removed
Priority: normalwish
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