Opened 5 months ago

Last modified 5 months ago

#10751 new defect

FFMPEG hangs randomly

Reported by: d4rt Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: ffmpeg
Version: unspecified Keywords:
Cc: elenril Blocked By:
Blocking: Reproduced by developer: no
Analyzed by developer: no


I use ffmpeg (different releases) along with nodejs to stream from my ip camera to youtube. I use the following parameters:

ffmpeg -probesize 5M -analyzeduration 5M -fflags +genpts+igndts+discardcorrupt+ignidx+nobuffer -correct_ts_overflow 0 -r 12 -re -rtsp_transport tcp -i rtsp://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -c:v copy -c:a aac -ar 44100 -ac 2 -b:a 128k -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc -af aresample=async=1:min_hard_comp=0.100000:first_pts=0 -f flv rtmp://

Every now and then ffmpeg freezes and gets stuck on a line e.g.:
frame= 206 fps=9.7 q=-1.0 size= 1432kB time=00:00:21.15 bitrate= 554.4kbits/s speed=0.997x
This happens at random intervals. Sometimes after a couple of hours, sometimes after just a few minutes.
I have a function that periodically checks if the last line in the stdout buffer of the ffmpeg process starts with "frame" and has changed since last check and if it hasn't the process is then killed and restarted. If I didn't restart it within 10-20 seconds my live stream on youtube would end prematurely.

I've tried adding/removing different parameters which didn't help, obviously.

Verbose logs did not give me any answers as to why ffmpeg keeps getting stuck at random. Is there a way I can make ffmpeg detect its being frozen so that it reconnects to the camera automatically?

Change History (1)

comment:1 by elenril, 5 months ago

Cc: elenril added

Both your input and output being network protocols makes this hard to reproduce for me. Could you please try to narrow down testcase, e.g. does is still happen if you

  • read from a file rather than IP camera
  • write to a file rather than RTMP
  • remove the video or audio stream
  • remove some of the parameters

Also, does it still happen with current git master?

Last edited 5 months ago by elenril (previous) (diff)
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