Opened 5 months ago

Closed 4 weeks ago

#10727 closed defect (invalid)

Need clarification

Reported by: DeveloperEditor Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: undetermined
Version: 4.4.4 Keywords:
Cc: DeveloperEditor Blocked By:
Blocking: Reproduced by developer: no
Analyzed by developer: yes


Summary of the bug:
ffmpeg -hide_banner -i input.webm -i elem1.png -i elem2.png -filter_complex "[0:v]pad=ceil(iw/2)*2:ceil(ih/2)*2[v0];[1:v]scale=3840.0:2100.0 [im1];[v0][im1]overlay=0.0:0.0:enable='between(t,20.367686,25.367686)'[v1];[2:v]scale=3840.0:2100.0 [im2];[v1][im2]overlay=0.0:0.0:enable='between(t,47.649863,52.649863)'[v2];[v2]trim=start=18.41:end=93.07, setpts=PTS-STARTPTS [v3];[0:a]atrim=start=18.41:end=93.07,asetpts=PTS-STARTPTS [a1] " -map [v3] -map [a1] -b:a 96k -max_muxing_queue_size 4096 -vcodec libx264 -threads 15 -preset ultrafast -crf 28 -r 30 -movflags faststart video-recording.mp4
This is my ffmpeg command to overlay two images and trim the video. If i input the video with a 4k resolution, My docker machine(8gb ram and 180gb disk ) got rebooted, I thought may be due to the resource is occupied entirely. I am using ffmpeg of version 4.4.4.
Where can I find the diff between the versions? and is there any way by altering the command to process the video without rebooting my docker.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Stefano Sabatini, 4 weeks ago

Analyzed by developer: set
Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

Where can I find the diff between the versions?

You can find the Changelog here:;a=blob;f=Changelog;h=5c8f50521142201ede14dd78ae1d90cb89ebf6c3;hb=HEAD

For more details, you need to check the git log history.

and is there any way by altering the command to process the video without rebooting my docker.

Possibly, you start with a simple command and then you make it more and more complicated. Or you might try to reduce the video size and increase it step by step until it crashes. Also testing on a different environment (e.g. with more RAM) would help to assess what's causing the failure.

I'm going to close the issue since this ticket manager is not really focused on active support (but to track defects and feature requests), you might ask on the #ffmpeg-user mailing list or IRC channel for more direct help.

If this is a crash, you might reopen the ticket, but in this case you are advised to test with the latest ffmpeg version.

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