Opened 11 months ago

#10419 new license violation

Use of ffmpeg in the ASIair

Reported by: Bill Nash Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: ffmpeg
Version: unspecified Keywords:
Cc: Blocked By:
Blocking: Reproduced by developer: no
Analyzed by developer: no


Good day, I hope this finds you well.

I'm chasing down a vendor, ZWO, for source releases of elements of their product, which embeds a number of open source libraries to drive a physical gadget they sell, the ASIair. They deliver updates to the physical gadget via their Google Play and Apple app store application, intended for phones and tablets to control the gadget, which drives automation of robotic telescopes. After months, they're still ignoring requests for source, despite my offering ample explanations of their obligation to do so, and is one of (at least) seven examples of GPL/LGPL covered code embedded or modified, in their application.

While libindi is certainly outside your wheelhouse, during my teardown of their last release, I ran across evidence of FFmpeg being embedded in their imager (along with others listed in the link above.) This is distributed as a compiled binary, with no source included on the gadget, or any public repo they've made available.

Details and the backstory are available here, as well as steps and methodology:

billn@Hadriel:~/Downloads/ASIAIR_V2.1/assets/patch/deb/asiair_armhf/home/pi/ASIAIR/bin$ strings zwoair_imager | grep -i ffmpeg
ffmpeg -i
FFmpeg metadata in text
Malformed AAC bitstream detected: use the audio bitstream filter 'aac_adtstoasc' to fix it ('-bsf:a aac_adtstoasc' option with ffmpeg)
H.264 bitstream malformed, no startcode found, use the video bitstream filter 'h264_mp4toannexb' to fix it ('-bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb' option with ffmpeg)
FFmpeg version 4.2.2-Kodi
https protocol not found, recompile FFmpeg with openssl, gnutls or securetransport enabled.
FFmpeg video codec #1
Huffyuv FFmpeg variant
If you have a device that plays AMV videos, please test if videos with such heights work with it and report your findings to
FFmpeg v%d.%d.%d / libavcodec build: %d
FFmpeg version 4.2.2-Kodi
Current FFmpeg Vorbis encoder only supports 2 channels.
Disabling use_variable_block_len, if this fails contact the ffmpeg developers and send us the file
; Script generated by FFmpeg/Lavc%s
Not yet implemented in FFmpeg, patches welcome
 is not implemented. Update your FFmpeg version to the newest one from Git. If the problem still occurs, it means that your file has a feature which has not been implemented.
If you want to help, upload a sample of this file to and contact the ffmpeg-devel mailing list. (
FFmpeg version 4.2.2-Kodi
FFmpeg version 4.2.2-Kodi
broken ffmpeg default settings detected

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